make a donation

Donating is easy.  Just push the donate button on this page.  PNA is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity #86-0700750.  Your donation will help us bring the magic of Christmas to thousands of homeless, impoverished, and special needs children and, if eligible, you can deduct your donations from your income tax.


Budget Overview


The bulk of our donations (92.5%) directly support the programs and services we provide.  The largest portion of this (76%) is allocated for toys, books, school supplies, and photographs of the children.


Our indirect costs (7.5%) are low because we are a volunteer organization and have no paid staff.  Our operations budget consists of the following four areas.

  1. INTERNET – In today’s world, it is crucial that we maintain an active online presence. This gives us an effective way to not only provide information and updates, it allows us to reach individuals and groups who are not able to come to us.  Virtual outreach has become an important component of our services, but unfortunately it is not cheap.  Besides the obvious costs such as domain names, server fees, web design, and software, we also must have a comprehensive, multi-layer security plan.  We are a small agency and yet every day we are attacked by global hackers.  It is our responsibility to make sure our online presence is safe for all to use.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS, FEES, & INSURANCE – In order for us to effectively operate, we belong to several local and national professional groups and networking organizations (such as the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits).  While there are fees/dues incurred by affiliating with these groups, we receive more back from them than any costs we incur.  In order to operate, we are also required to have several different kinds of insurance (such as vehicle insurance on the delivery truck and performer’s insurance).

  3. TRAINING – In order to maintain the quality of our programs, we are committed to providing our staff and volunteers with the best training available.  Professional educational opportunities are offered at PNA-taught in-services, through online training, and classes through partner agencies.  There is no cost to volunteers for this training. 

  4. FUNDRAISING – There are minimal costs incurred by our fundraising activities.  Most of these are allocated for printing (booklets, posters, and handouts), in-house video production, and small giveaway items.