What We Do


who we serve

target population


christmas tree project

Our November and December Christmas Tree Project events is the primary focus of the services PNA provides. Every event we produce is composed of as many as twenty different activities, each requiring fifteen to twenty minutes for the children to complete. This timeline keeps the children fully engaged and receptive to the lessons presented as they participate in the activities.

Curriculum has been developed for each activity, identifying the purpose of the activity, growth areas, and senses engaged, and providing a brief description of participation. The curriculum also contains detailed instructions for conducting the activity, the number of staff needed, space requirements, a list of props and materials needed, and suggestions for sponsorship.

All of the activities support our primary mission, to increase the children’s awareness of their own potential, build their confidence, and improve their self-concept. While we strive to make all of the activities fun and challenging for the participants, all of them must reflect our core belief that every child is capable of success in life if they are provided with the support, guidance, and acceptance of the adults around them.